
In March of 2011, Nancy Stoner, the acting water administrator to the EPA, issued a statement reaffirming the administrations commitment to reducing nutrient pollution concentrations in our nation’s waterways. Nitrogen and phosphorus pollution have become one of the most vexing problems facing our nations waterways, with 50% of assessed streams showing medium to high nutrient concentrations, leading to substantial environmental challenges such as toxic algal blooms and hypoxic zones in our costal areas.

In providing a framework to address this persistent challenge, the statement identified targeting of watersheds and subwatersheds that contribute disproportionately to nonpoint source nutrient pollution as a priority. While academic circles have long supported targeting as an effective means of addressing a complicated environmental issue, there remain many obstacles to the widespread implementation of targeting frameworks.

This site seeks to compile the diversity of information available on targeting into a framework that will be useful and applicable to watershed planning groups as they seek solutions to nonpoint source nutrient pollution. On this site, you will find both a range of concepts that should be accounted for in a targeting schema, as well as a number of tools that will help in planning, implementation, and long term support for targeting within your watershed. *

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